martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Organization of Cell Membrane

Fluid Mosaic Model:
Is a mosaic composition of phospholipid.

Transport Proteins:
Let specific solutes diffuse through a membrane spaning channel.

Receptor Protein:
Bind extracellular substances.

Recognition Proteins:
Identify tags for each specie.

Adhesion Proteins:
Help cells of the same type to locate each other remain the proper tissue.

Communication Protein:
Form channels that match up across the plasma membranes of two cells.

Concentration Gradient:
Differences in number per unit volume of molecules a substance between two adjoining regions.

Is the name for the net movement of like molecules or ions down concentration gradient.

Electric Gradient:
Is a difference in electric charge between adjoining regions.

Pressure Gradient:
Difference in pressure exerted per unit volume between two adjoining regions.

The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane.

Hypotonic Solution:
The one with fewer solution.

Hypertonic Solution:
The one having more solutes.

Isotomic Solution:
No net osmotic movement.

Hydrostatic Pressure:
Pressure against the wall or membrane that contains it.

Osmotic Pressure:
One measure or the tendency of water to follow its water concentration gradient.

A small patch of plasma membrane.

A vesicle moves to the cell surface and then the protein-studded lipid bilayer of its membrane.

Is a common endocytic pathway.

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